Business and Marketing Strategy Guided by Soul

Three months of partnership in a potent, transformative, creative 1:1 container.

Designed to elevate your brand, refine your messaging, simplify your marketing and content strategy, and develop or hone your offerings.

Together, we will…

  • Establish strong positioning for your brand that reflects the high level of value you create for your clients and customers.

  • Develop strategies that are soul-calibrated and deeply nourishing to your business, and that bring more joy to your world.

  • Create content in a much easier, simplified, and straightforward way, with honesty and integrity.

  • Lean more deeply into your own intuitive knowing and trust about your business, marketing, and sales.

  • Create offers you are thrilled to deliver, that your clients love, and that sell with ease (and without fuss or manipulation).

  • Release 80% of your activities, so you can focus on the 20% that gets results while leaving time for a life.

A powerful partnership to help you shape a business that achieves more with less.

For women entrepreneurs in the field of transformation, who want to grow their revenue and do more of what they love — while remaining deeply aligned with their true desires, gifts, and values.

You’re a woman entrepreneur who has expertise, experience, and an established history of doing transformative work that provides immense (even life-changing) value to your clients.

You’re smart, confident, and resourceful.

You have unique, valuable gifts to contribute to the world — and you want those gifts to be more clearly reflected in your brand, messaging, and current offers.

You want all this, plus a practical, strategic, simple plan that grows your business financially, via a healthy ecosystem of offers that serves your clients deeply.


  • You’ve had a breakthrough idea for a new offering or brand that you aren’t quite sure how to successfully bring to fruition, given your current positioning (i.e., the way your clients see you now vs. where you’re going with this new offer or brand)

  • You’ve served a particular role or type of client for many years, and it’s time to reposition yourself in a way that reflects your deeper value, so you can command higher fees or take on more interesting projects

  • You’ve developed a number of business ideas, products, and programs over the years, and nothing has quite “clicked” for you yet — mostly because you find it difficult to land on a unique value proposition, business strategy, and tactical plan that all work together

Whatever the case, you know you want to grow and shape your business by doing more of what you love (and less of what you don’t) — and you want to do it with total authenticity, honesty, and integrity.

The answer is a clearly-defined, actionable, soul-resonant business strategy and marketing plan that keeps your business (and you) evolving and growing.

Smartly designed and executed, it helps people understand clearly what you do, how, and for whom.

Soulfully designed and nurtured, it helps you stay aligned with your values and your ultimate vision for your business.

This results in a higher caliber of clients, the ability to command higher fees for the value you create, and a more easeful, even miraculous path to marketing and selling your offers.

I’ve worked with thousands of women in group settings, and at least a hundred of them privately, over the past several years.

And the one characteristic I’ve observed in those who produce miraculous results (by which I simply mean they do “what other people can’t seem to do”) is that their business strategies are always deeply aligned with their souls’ pattern, whether they realize it consciously or not.

They understand exactly what they are about, what they are uniquely meant to do (and not do), and this understanding is baked into their strategic plan, their positioning, their marketing strategy – everything.

If you are not:

  • Having people say an enthusiastic “yes” to your offerings

  • Doing work that lights you up while also offering profound value to your clients

  • Feeling like your day-to-day is in alignment with the vision you hold for your business (and life)

Then there’s a good chance your business and marketing strategy could benefit from this kind of soul-level calibration — because when it is, it’s so crystal clear how you uniquely provide value that your right clients say an unqualified “yes” to just about everything you offer.

And you no longer have to try and prove your worth to anyone, or struggle to crank out work you don’t enjoy for what feels like very little reward.

You no longer have to worry about “money blocks” or “upper limits.”

You no longer find yourself poring over anyone else’s social media accounts, websites, and offers, trying to replicate pieces and parts of them.

You no longer struggle to put into words what you do, because it comes as naturally to you as having a conversation with a good friend.

And you no longer feel like you need to find the right “sales system” or funnel, or low-ticket offer, or tripwire… or any kind of tactic.

Instead, the tactics you do employ will emerge from inner alignment.

You’ll feel a sense of calm, confident clarity and resonance with your work — and when you put offers into the world, send an email to your list, share your website with a potential client, or post on social media, you’ll know what you’re sharing is on-target.

Even more exciting, your just-right clients will immediately know it’s for them and be excited to buy it.

No more trying to “convert” through persuasion or other marketing ploys. Instead, your products and services will sell themselves — without even needing fancy branding or “entertaining” copy.

With my private clients, I work within a structure and framework to achieve this kind of soul-level calibration with their work, and to craft a plan that reflects it.

Over a three-month period, we’ll work together to explore, refine, and transform your positioning, brand message, offers, and marketing and sales processes to bring them into alignment, and bring them out into the world in a more simplified, clear way.

You’ll receive generous support — both strategic and spiritual — attention, and expert advice within a container where you’re held with unconditional care and compassion for the sometimes difficult path between idea and implementation.

The practices and assignments you’ll do in our work together offer a strong framework of self-discovery and transformation — and as an entrepreneur and creative myself, I also understand and hold space for you to traverse the messier parts of the journey and emerge on the other side with a robust roadmap for the next part of your adventure.

Read all about how it works below.

This is for the coach or expert who:

  • Loves what they do, and wants to refine their offerings, reposition themselves, or enhance their marketing message to reflect a more precise and/or elevated direction in which their work is now headed…

  • Cannot bear the thought of adding any more “work” to their schedule, and would love their messaging/content strategy to be filled with as much grace and ease as possible…

  • Knows that making any change in business requires devotion — AND senses there is a way to offer that devotion without burning themselves out…

  • Also knows that any change can take time before they see a return on their investment, but is willing to explore their own inner and outer obstacles to shortening that time-to-ROI — by being willing to shed beliefs, patterns, and stories that do not serve them…

  • Is a self-driven doer who doesn’t need accountability, but would love to have a highly-skilled, collaborative co-creator who “gets” them and what they’re trying to accomplish, and who can hold a strong container in which they can carry out their vision…

I’m a strategist, but I consider business an art — and you, the entrepreneur, an artist.

Since I began working with heart-led women entrepreneurs in 2012, clients have said working with me is, “like having someone climb inside my brain and pull out the best, most impactful, most authentic messages – the ones that speak to my ideal client and make her feel heard,” that my “approach, structure, and language feels more accessible and less overwhelming,” that their time with me was “like a breath of fresh air,” and more.

I know the best contribution I can make to your business is to help you design, develop, and execute the most effective, straightforward, and soul-aligned business and marketing strategies — those that result in the kind of growth and success that sustains rather than drains your business (and you) over time.

While client outcomes are always dependent on a number of factors (and I would never take credit for anyone’s ultimate successes), many of my clients have seen extraordinary results, like…

  • An increase in sales of one client’s program of 500%, from $12K to $60K over a single launch

  • $1.5M in sales over two months’ time, with two strategic launches

  • Consistent $20K months using email marketing alone

More importantly, we focus on metrics that matter more than revenue — including personal fulfillment, ease and joy in the work they do, and simple strategies for marketing and sales that fit with their personal preferences, resources, and the way they want to move through the world.

My philosophy of creating “harm-free marketing” encompasses the entire spectrum — from the way your marketing and sales process affects your prospect (Does it manipulate? Bait and switch? Oversell?) to the way it affects you (Can you get behind it wholeheartedly? Does it feel 100% like your voice vs. a copywriter? Will you be proud of it in 5 years?).

And while each client is unique, the common attributes each of these brilliant entrepreneurs share are…

They’re established in their expertise, training, and experience — in fact, often deeply established as a leader in their field (though I have also worked with many women making a shift from their former career into a newly-established business).

They understand and embody their own work deeply, even if they struggle sometimes to express it cohesively and powerfully in their messaging (which is what I help them master).

They’re self-sufficient and seeking a smart, strategic, soulful partner in co-creation rather than a taskmaster holding them accountable.

They’re willing and able to do the self-reflection, exploratory exercises, strategic thinking, and problem-solving that come along with growing and evolving as entrepreneurs, and rolling out new strategies into concrete plans that bring them greater revenue and make them even more effective leaders.

They’re willing to look at the beliefs, habits, or attachments that may be creating stories in their businesses (and lives) that are not only unhelpful, but not true — and are willing to release these stories (with my compassionate help) to pave a path for new outcomes to emerge.

And they have ALL shaped their businesses out of a greater desire for coherency and integrity in the world — starting from the inside out.

This means they are committed to doing whatever it takes to calibrate their business (it’s products, services, marketing, sales, systems, and its people) to a vision and purpose that goes well beyond profits (while still supporting their businesses to prosper financially).

Even better, with the frameworks I offer (which are not just coaching conversations — but structured inquiry and project-oriented assignments) this work can work for anyone who is willing to open themselves to its possibilities and potential.

Think of me like a…

Creative Director

Chief Marketing Officer

Brand Strategist

But instead of…

Coming up with “creative” campaigns that are designed to “wow” and entertain

Focusing on goals and metrics you “should” meet based on, say, “the marketplace”

Creating a visually striking brand that may or may not reflect YOU

I offer…

An approach to your marketing that results in deeply soul-aligned offers which educate and transform — rather than distract and hypnotize

A data and heart-centered approach to focusing on metrics that matter — i.e., those that will nourish your business and your (and your client’s) soul

Co-creation of a brand that speaks to your ideal client — whether visually striking or simple and plainspoken (it’s all about alignment)

When you join me inside a private strategy advising and consulting partnership, we’ll work together over 3 months' time, during which you’ll receive:

  • Up to 12 hours of 1:1 strategy advising, coaching, and/or other support via phone or audio Zoom sessions, with the ability to schedule this time in weekly sessions or via half-day intensives at periodic intervals — or a configuration thereof that works best for you, your schedule, and your particular goals.

  • Access between our sessions to a private project management portal in which you'll submit completed assignments and receive my personal review of your website, offer(s), marketing materials, written posts, emails, and more.

  • All of the practices and assignments I've developed over 12+ years in business, which offer a strong framework of inquiry, self-discovery, development of strategic positioning, offer refinement, and more.

  • Plus, we’ll dive as deeply as necessary into the “inner work” of creating miraculous results in your business using my proprietary Third Option™ methodology. This is an approach to decision-making, strategy, and action that transforms even the most challenging belief or situation into an opportunity for a breakthrough.

And you'll receive bonus explorative practices, and hands-on creative support (editing and/or drafting written or visual content) throughout.

More importantly, you’ll emerge not only with fresh, new avenues for profit potential in your business — but the ability to implement with unparalleled integrity, using harm-free marketing and sales strategies that honor you and your clients and bring more joy, creativity, and vitality to everyone.

Here are some of the outcomes you can expect from our work together:

  • Being able to talk more clearly and easily about your products, services, and offerings so they sell

  • Higher conversions (of the right prospects) of both paid and free offers

  • Tighter, more precise messaging that helps your right clients see the answer to their problems in your copy and content (both on your website and in your social and ad collateral)

  • More clarity, ease, and authenticity in sales and enrollment conversations

  • Greater audience growth, and deeper connection and relatability through your email marketing, social content, and other communications

  • Stronger, more precise sales messages and calls to action (while maintaining integrity and remaining manipulation-free)

  • New revenue streams that better reflect your values, desires, and gifts — or reshaping of current ones

  • Fresh, imaginative ways of repackaging, restructuring, or introducing offers to a new market segment — leading to increased profits with more ease

  • A renewed relationship with sales and marketing that makes business growth feel joyful and fun, instead of manipulative and heavy

  • A revitalized relationship with your prospects, clients, and customers as you more closely align your offers with their needs, and present marketing and sales messages that reflect this with crystal clarity (and the genuine enthusiasm that comes from bringing more joy to the process)

How it works

This 3-month private package* is $8750

*A very small investment compared to your profit potential from elevating your brand and offers — as well as when considering you’ll receive up to 36 hours of my personal time, attention, and support (between private calls, personal review of your marketing materials and offers, and more), and save countless hours throughout the following year and beyond, by simplifying your marketing strategies significantly.

Hi, I’m Helen Hunter Mackenzie.

Here’s my philosophy on marketing and business strategy.

You can read more about my philosophy around “harm-free” marketing here, if you like, but here’s the short version:

I believe in marketing that is in full integrity with yourself and your own values — and not trying to coerce or manipulate (or heaven forbid "trick") others into buying from you. Harm-free marketing has nothing to do with identity, or with pricing, or even the frequency with which you contact prospects or make efforts to enroll new clients. It's simply about offering REAL value with your products and services, and then not pummeling people over the head with manipulative sales and marketing tactics.

When it comes to strategy, I believe that what serves your clients best is THE path to take — always. I also believe that what benefits your client the most is what benefits you the most, whether you realize it right away or not. Bringing this truth to my clients’ conscious awareness, and letting them see its miraculous effects take place in their businesses (including their financial prosperity, their joy and ease in their work, and more) is part of the ultimate mission of my work.

I would be so honored to play a part in the story of your business! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all about whether this (or any of my offerings) would serve you and your specific needs and desires right now.

With love,

  • "Helen creates a safe, supportive space and shares her wisdom and expertise from a different perspective than I've ever heard before. She's held me to my highest always and believed in me, even when I didn't fully believe in myself. She's funny, kind, wise, warm and oh so generous, with a special fierce, gentle, rare level of commitment to her clients' success."

    Diane Johnston

  • "Just ONE simple piece of advice she gave me 4 years ago played a huge part in shaping my marketing efforts so they felt far less stressful and way more aligned with how I love to move through the world. She’s on my speed dial and, if you can get her on yours, your business (and life) will be better for it."

    Erika Lyremark

  • "My time with Helen was not transactional, it was transformational and so much better than a list of things I’ve achieved or obtained (though I have that too!), I've uncovered the woman who knows exactly who she is at her core. And that is utterly priceless. Helen helped me to love myself - she helped me see what a gift I am to the world - and I now see how important that recognition is to being able to actually go out and manifest your truest desires."

    Elisha Ward

  • “Helen is a master marketer who goes above and beyond with every encounter. She blew me away each time we spoke, and all I could do was try to absorb her wisdom like a sponge. If you need a powerful marketing guru, Helen's the queen."

    S. M. Boyce

  • “Helen showed up in my life just as I was deciding to take my business in a slightly different direction. Her clarity and insight as a marketing & branding strategist enabled me to launch this new focus with style and intention. I now have a cohesive brand message to share with potential clients. Plus, she’s a whole lot of fun to work with!”

    Carole Hyder

  • “After hiring coach after coach and trying program after program, working with Helen was such a relief. For years I was pushing against blocks and resistance, feeling like couldn't hold up to the expectations of the coach I was working with or complete the process I was following. Coaching with Helen was completely different. I have done a lot of work over the past few years - but nothing has landed for me in the way this has. I made more progress working with Helen than I have in the past five years."

    Natanya Lara

Questions? Schedule a 30-minute chat to discuss whether the Business and Marketing Strategy Package is right for you, right now.

Need a payment plan? Contact me and I’ll provide a link to arrange two separate payments of $4450 each.
Please note that full payment must be made before our work begins.